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Don’t Have a Dream Job? Thats okay!

The Online Success Society

Master of None?

We’ve all heard the saying, right? “Jack of all trades, master of none.” It sure makes being multitalented sound like a bad thing, doesn’t it?

I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent letting that one statement make me feel worse about myself. I have never been someone who loves just one particular thing. In fact, I often say that I’m a walking contradiction, and that’s one of the things I love about myself.

Funny how one little sentence has impacted so many of us, but most of us (myself included) don’t know the full quote or what it really means. We (a.k.a. me) have also forgotten just how outdated it may or may not be.

Have you read the full quote?

“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”

Wait a minute… there’s a second part? Yeah, it shocked me too!

So that quote that made me feel like a bit of a failure wasn’t actually complete, nor was it saying anything negative about being a Jack (or Jill) of all trades. It was just making a statement (from the 1390s, by the way) that someone who dedicates all of their time to mastering one thing will likely be more talented than someone who is multifaceted. That makes total sense, and back then, it held a lot of weight. People chose a profession and stuck with it. They didn’t want their local blacksmith to also be the town doctor who just so happened to be a painter on the weekends.

So, what does that mean today?

It’s actually simple. The statement is still 100% true. BUT… and this is a big BUT… you can choose to be either. We’ve proven that you can be an amazing photographer as a hobbyist and still be a very skilled surgeon. Or you can decide that you don’t have one single “job” and opt to do whatever you choose. It has been proven time and time again that there’s more money to be made in this world than we can ever imagine… but we’re not all Elon Musks. That’s an easy one to accept.

As women, we’ve seen other women choose to stay home with their babies and launch entire empires online… all while wearing their favorite yoga pants. It’s amazing how far women have come in this world. They’re truly finding a way to do it all.

But what if you don’t want an empire?

This is a question that has plagued me for years. The only time in my life that I had a “dream job” was in high school and college. I knew I wanted to go into advertising, and I had zero interest in getting married or having kids… until I started my marketing internship. The marketing manager was a very talented woman who had just returned from a six-month maternity leave. I could see it in her eyes when she talked about leaving the house before her daughter woke up, or when she knew she’d get home after she’d gone to bed.

At 21 years old, I still didn’t think I wanted kids, but I knew with all my heart that I didn’t want to work my way up to my “dream job” only to miss out on the life I’d created. Now, let me remind you, this was in 2009. I was still writing HTML code for Craigslist ads and was part of the first group to create a Facebook business page. If I wanted to go into advertising at the time, I would’ve had to live in one of three major cities (and I don’t even like cities).

I knew then, just as I know now, that I wanted to be in control of my life—not give so much of myself that my career controls me. It took me a while to realize that I didn’t want an internet empire either.

I don’t want to spend years building a successful business that focuses on only one thing, mainly because I’ve seen how my interests and who I am have changed over the years. I’ve had babies, lived on a farm, battled cancer while going through a toxic divorce, and was diagnosed with C-PTSD. All of these experiences required something different from me, and I changed my “job” many times, gathering knowledge and joy from each one.

What I am really saying?

Simple. If you don’t have a dream of being an online coach… then don’t be one! There are plenty of course creators, business coaches, and life coaches out there who are following their passion, and the world is a better place because of it.

If you don’t know exactly what you want to do for income right now, that doesn’t mean you can’t make good money. We live in a world of freelancers and multiple income streams.

So, it’s time to stop trying to force your income stream to match the mainstream and start listening to your inner self.

That’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m finally realizing I’d much rather inspire you to create your own path than tell you the “5 steps to becoming a millionaire in 5 months.” I believe in life alignment over work/life balance.

So, I want to invite you to join my brand-new, still-in-the-making membership, where I will share different income streams, discuss the pros and cons, and even help you choose the best way to pursue them. I believe you have a path and a passion. I’ve also fallen victim to the exciting noise of the internet, and I want to help you learn to trust yourself.


The Online Success Soceity

1. Ground

This is where we start. Before diving into building an income stream, you need to root yourself in who you are. What are your core values? What lights you up? This step is all about aligning with your truth, so you’re not just chasing money for the sake of it. We’re grounding in what feels good, what resonates, and what you want to create—not what the internet says you should be doing. You’ve got to trust yourself first, before trusting any external strategies.

2. Grow

Once you’re grounded, it’s time to expand. This step is all about growth—learning new skills, healing old patterns, and stepping into the next version of you. But here’s the thing: you get to choose how you grow. Whether it’s diving into a course, picking up a new modality, or deepening your self-awareness, this is where you embrace your evolving self. And spoiler alert: the growth never stops. We’re talking lifelong learning here, but on your terms.

3. Guide

This is where things get intentional. Now that you’ve started growing, you need to guide your next moves with discernment. There’s a sea of online gurus, coaches, and courses out there. But here’s the deal: not all of them are for you, and that’s okay. During this phase, we’ll focus on finding the right teachers and resources for you. Not the most popular, not the loudest voices online—just the ones that align with where you are and where you want to go. You’re in control, and this is where you learn to make empowered choices.

4. Gain

And now we’re here. This is where you turn all that alignment, growth, and discernment into tangible results. Whether that’s creating new income streams or simply gaining confidence in your abilities, this is about putting everything into practice. It’s not just about earning money—it’s about gaining clarity, joy, and balance as you build a life that feels right to you. Because it’s not just about what you gain, but how you gain it.



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About me

I’m Nikkie

I’m a multi-passionate entrepreneur who thrives on having multiple income streams and going with the flow of life. My mission is to help women connect with their higher selves and find the path that feels most aligned with who they truly are.


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I’m Nikkie, an intuitive strategist helping people break free from societal expectations to create lives and businesses that align with their unique path. My passion is guiding others to trust themselves and embrace what feels right in the moment, whether it fits the norm or not.

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